Making Of: “Fellowship” rendering
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2. The face of the theatre will largely be in shadow much of the day, so we went with an early morning view to get the right light. A few test outputs were run in Maxwell Render, adjusting for sunlight settings. The image below is the output that was chosen for the final.
3. Here, the base model is overlaid with preliminary sky and entourage to spark discussion. Also, an important hedge was added to separate the residences from the roadway, sketched in on the right.
4. Setting aside the entourage for the moment, details are added to the buildings. Linework was extracted from the SketchUp model (output at around 7000 pixels across to get finer lines) to add metal roof and panel divisions. Shingle textures are added to roofs in overlay mode to preserve light/shadow from model. Sky was embellished by painting over areas and adding texture and “dots” to achieve a softer look. Lastly some additional trees/plantings were added in the background.
5. Photographically based grass elements are added for texture in the foreground, along with shrubs along the right.
6. Additional planting elements are added in the foreground, along with some color adjustments to warm up the middle of the rendering.
7. In the final illustration, additional texture and detail is added to the plantings, and the final entourage is added. Color is added in overlay mode to intensify the sky and ground colors. Faint watercolor textures are added (from a combination of various watercolor paper scans) . Once everything is done, a final copy of the image is made, processed with high pass filter, and added at the top of the stack in overlay mode to add a crisper look to the final.
Thanks for reading.
Kirk’s other making of here at SketchUpArtists can be found at this link.
To find out more about Kirk and his work please visit his website here.