Getting started with the forum

This SUA Forum is organized into different groups. Each group has a description to help you identify what the subject matter is. Please only post content related to the group.

You will need to register and log in before you can post to the forum. Use password sent to you. This can be changed once you are logged in.


Register and login


To start a new topic in a particular group, just click on the + button. When posting, be sure to include a meaningful subject line, a detailed description or your question or issue and images or files which help further illustrate your point. Please note, the group you choose could be as important as the subject line itself, be sure to choose the appropriate group.


If in doubt…

Just click around! A great way to learn is to explore the forum, click on buttons, and see what they do.

Tell us what you think
Any feedback you have about the SUA Forum , please let us know and also mention any feature requests you may have.

Why can’t I do certain things?

New users are  limited to start with for safety reasons. As you participate here, you’ll gain the trust of the community and those limitations will gradually be removed.

That’s about it!

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