Make a Tablecloth in SketchUp

In this mini tutorial Bayu Yudistiro shows you how to model a 3D tablecloth using SketchUp and Dale Marten’s very useful organic modeling plugin ‘SubdivideAndSmooth’. This tutorial could also be adapted for modeling a blanket for a bed.

Step 1

Model your basic 3D shape (extrude a rectangle).

Step 2

Using the arc tool, draw arcs at the bottom of your basic 3D shape and delete any unecessary geometry.

Step 1-2

Step 3

Draw a fold for each corner of your  3D box

Step 3

Step 4

Make three extra simple folds for each side of the box.

Step 4

Step 5

Connect the point of the folds with lines as shown in image below.

Step 5

Steps 6 and 7

Using the Subdivide and Smooth plugin, select’Subdivide Selection’. Do this two times too divide up the geometry.

Steps 6 and 7

Step 8

Using the the plugin again click on ‘Smooth all connected geometry’.

Step 8

Step 9

The final step. Select ‘Subdivide and Smooth’ in the plugin and set the ‘Iterations’ value at 2. You should end up with something similar too the image below.

Step 9

I hope you find this useful in your 3D modeling projects and daily workflow.




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