Topographical Landscapes – terraces
Definition: Terraces is a piece of sloped plane that has been cut into a series of successively receding flat surfaces of platforms, which resemble steps, for the purpose of more effective farming. This type of landscaping, therefore, is called terracing. Graduated terrace steps are commonly used to farm on hilly or mountainous terrain. Terraced fields both decrease erosion and surface runoff, and may be used to support growing crops that require irrigation, such as rice.
1. Draw or plot contour lines (make sure to retain all the surfaces).
2. Select the surface.
3. Adjust the elevation of the selection by using the Push/pull Tool.
This is the result, repeating multiple use of the Push/pull Tool.
4. Soften all vertical Edges . To do that, click Ctrl+ Erase Tool.
This is the result after tidying up the model.
5. Ctrl+A (select everything that isn’t hidden)> right click> “Make Group”.
6. Apply grass texture to your grouped model using Paint Bucket Tool. Choose any available grass textures from the Materials dialogue box.
What you can achieve with final render output and post-processing.
Thanks for reading!
Benedict Caliwara
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